Longing to Contentment

We all have those moments where we are longing for something to happen in the future that will make us feel good or change our life. What would happen if we felt more contentment each day and how would life unfold? Enjoy a free worksheet over at https://www.itstimeforme.ie/podcast-worksheet to help you after the episode to…

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Ep. 9 Healing Your Past

Each difficult past experience can take a little piece of you. You can be left negatively impacted, being triggered by small things and going through hard emotional responses in your present life that is blocking you from a more peaceful future. Bringing awareness to your past and taking the steps to heal it can be…

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Ep. 5 Listen to Your Body

Burn out, stress, fatigue, sickness…just some of the things that force us to STOP and listen to our bodies. In today’s episode I help you to connect to your body through a 3 minute visualisation and talk about the importance of nourishing and nurturing your body so that it feels energised and looked after, allowing you to…

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