
 Weekly Teachings

10th March 2020 – Look at all you have achieved this month

Click below to listen to today’s teaching.

9th March 2020 ~ Are you doing the work?

Click below to listen to today’s teachings.

2nd March 2020 – Shift Perspective

Click below to listen to today’s teachings.


20th February 2020 – Elevate and Uplevel through Every Cycle.

Click below to listen to today’s audio teaching.

With each passing month here at It’s Time For Me, I want to keep taking you on a deep journey to bring you fully into connection with yourself and fully into alignment with all that you have the potential and power to create in your life.  This month you will be focusing on how to Empower yourself through each cycle of your life.  Life is cyclical…it is up, down, happy, sad, joyful, stressful and so much more…. We can often want to stop doing things, feel motivated to begin new things, want to curl up and procrastinate, feel ready to go for all our dreams, feel emotionally stuck, feel emotionally free….Often are menstrual cycles are also bringing us through a range of emotions each month which can effect us.  The key learnings this month will be how to honour each part of your life cycle. Learn how to embrace it and still keep progressing and moving forward.  You will be able to align to each mood or part of your cycle by treating yourself the way you need to treated at each stage.  I want to teach you (and learn right along side you) how to do this.  I ultimately would love to see you feeling fully empowered through a deeper understanding of your needs.

Over the past number of decades and even longer, we have been told that we need to serve others and the world.  This is really true and it is a fundamental part of our purpose but how we do this is now dramatically changing.  We will not be sacrificing ourselves in the process of helping others, we will connecting with our Divine Feminine energy of nurturing, nourishing, being in flow and receiving.  This is what will lead to us being the best of ourselves and then when we feel this way, we can go and help the world to elevate and progress.

I really hope you enjoy this month and I cannot wait for all that these teachings will bring. Are you ready for some great things this month? Let’s begin this wonderful journey together.


 ~ As well as receiving texts every few days to your phone with the links to Audio Teachings, you can now enjoy all of the below this month ~



You will receive your One Card Personal Reading to your phone on Friday 14th February.

Please enjoy these two brand new gentle Guided Meditations to listen to at any time this month.

You can start working through your Soul Journal and also use it at our Live ‘Soul Circle’ online class on Thursday 20th February 2020.

Click the link to download your Soul Journal: Empower Yourself Through the Cycles of Life – Soul Journal

Join me for a beautiful live and online Soul Circle on 20th February 2020 from 9pm to 10.30pm.

This month we will be creating wonderful ways to honor our life cycles and planning how to treat ourselves well during these cycles.  I will pulling Oracle and Angel Cards for you life.  We will do a gorgeous and relaxing guided meditation and I can answer any questions you may have.  Please let me know by email or text if you are able to attend.



Here is to a wonderful and empowering month!

Much love,

Caroline x


To access last month’s teachings, please click the image below. Thank you.